
Wolverines are AMAZING endurance athletes, traveling as much as 15-20 miles per day in search of food. That being said, they also do much of that travel at night and at high altitudes, so maybe they're pulling a fast one and sleeping more than we know :) GRRR!


A Canadian mining company is looking to do some exploratory drilling on the northwestern edge of our Methow Valley home. The Forest Service has yet to approve their request, but the Community is rallied around the cause. 'No thank you' open pit copper mines, and good luck finding your way to the $$$.


Happy (almost) Valentine's Day!


I completely forgot about posting last week's strip - both here at Harts Pass and on my website - so here you go! Always amazing to me how in certain ways the wildlife can make living in the mountains look so easy. I'm sure that its harder than we think, and that they have different ways to register their own feelings of cold and hunger, but still... 'Zip, Zip, Zip!'