
© 2010 Erik Brooks | www.erikbrooks.com

Harts Pass No. 6

BONUS STRIPS! Harts Pass Nos. 5 & 6 were never printed in the paper. Some glitch in the vacation/print space universe during my recent absence from town... To wit, and because I'd planned to have a consistent slate of material, the 7.21 strip became 8.4 (to be posted soon!), and 7.28 becomes 8.11 and will be printed on Wednesday. Harts Pass Nos. 5 & 6, as posted here, were two of my original "proposal strips".

From here on out, if the paper skips a week then I should know that in advance. I'll stay on task from my end, and you can follow along if so inclined :)

Harts Pass No. 5

Harts Pass No. 4

Harts Pass No. 3

Harts Pass No. 2b

Since this is an ongoing experiment, I did two July 4th-themed ideas. In both instances, the designs were inspired by colorful Chinese and Korean firecracker packaging. I pushed for a "double tall" format in the printed "Pasayten Flashlight Fireworks" version, but this was my back-up idea - in a size consistent with the regular weekly strip.

Only two weeks in and you're already getting bonus material!

Harts Pass No. 2

Harts Pass No. 1

So here it is, the first edition of my new weekly comic strip for the Methow Valley News! First and foremost, this is a fun way for me to experiment. With a little luck and some hard work, it will also be an enjoyable read - and teach you a thing of two about the lives our local wolverines :)

In deference to the print edition, I will post the new strips one week after publication. Happy reading!